
No progress in Maliki, Allawi talks

A meeting between Iraq’s main rival parliamentary blocs fails to produce any new results as differences linger on over how…

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Allawi, al-Sadr: Agreement on Importance of Accelerating Formation of Iraqi Cabinet

Chairman of the Iraqi National List Ayad Allawi on Monday met the Leader of al-Sadr Movement in Iraq Muqtada al-Sadr…

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‘Saudi harbors, trains Iraq terrorists’

Saudi security forces are reportedly involved in training terrorists operating in Iraq, where political leaders are pushing to form a…

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Holy Karbala wants 3 billion Dinars allocated for mid-Shaaban pilgrimage

KARBALA, Iraq: The Karbala Provincial Council on Sunday called for the appropriation of three billion Iraqi dinars (ID) to improve…

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Iraq bombings kill at least 14

Separate bombings to the north and the south of Iraq’s capital Baghdad have killed at least 14 people and injured…

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‘US meddling in way of new Iraqi govt.’

An Iraqi Shia cleric has blamed US meddling in Iraq’s internal affairs as the main reason behind the delay in…

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Sadrist MP urges to conduct signatures campaign calling to release innocent detainees

The member of Ahrar bloc, MP Jalila Abdul Zahra, urged the citizens of Maysan province to participate in a campaign…

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More than 10 million descend at Kadhimiyah shrine to mourn Imam (AS) // Pictorial Report

A record more than 10 million mourning pilgrims gathered on Thursday July 8 Rajab 25 at the holy shrine of…

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Insurgents flexing muscle in Iraq

An Iraqi analyst has warned of an increased violence in the country, saying armed militants are seeking “flex their muscle”…

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Thousands of mourners flock to Kazmain

Hundreds of thousands of the faithful continue to pour into northern Iraqi city of Kazmain to mourn the martyrdom anniversary…

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