
Protesters stormed Bahrain embassy in Iraq over Manama Conference

Scores of Iraqi people have stormed the Bahrain embassy in the capital city of Baghdad to protest Manama’s decision to…

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Hashd Shaabi Detect ISIL Terrorists in Anbar

The Iraqi popular forces (Hashd Shaabi) managed on Tuesday to cleanse large swathes in western Anbar after receiving security reports…

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Iraq will not allow US military bases to use against Iran: President Salih

President Barham Salih says Iraq will under no circumstances allow the US military to use its bases in the Arab…

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55,000 Captured ISIS in Syria and Iraq should face fair prosecution: UN

U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet said on Monday that 55,000 captured ISIS fighters, including foreigners, and their families detained…

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Iraqi forces arrest 3 ISIS terrorists in Samarra

Iraqi security forces arrested on Sunday three members of the ISIS terrorist group, who are accused of committing terror acts…

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Bomb blast in Baghdad mosque, Nearly dozen killed, 30 injured

Nearly a dozen people have lost their lives and several others sustained injuries when a bomb explosion ripped through a…

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Iraqi sources: Terrorists train ISIL children with the US support at Iraq-Syria borders

Iraqi sources revealed existence of centers in the Western desert areas of al-Anbar province near the borders with Syria to…

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Kuwaiti Emir in Baghdad on a rare official visit to Iraq amid US-Iran tension

Shiite News Monitoring Desk, Kuwaiti Emir has arrived in Baghdad for a rare official visit to the neighboring country Iraq…

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Muqtada al-Sadr urged political blocs to complete gov’t within 10 days

Iraqi Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr urged political blocs on Monday to pressure the prime minister to complete the cabinet within…

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Iraq removes blast walls around Baghdad neighborhoods

Iraqi authorities have removed nearly 30 kilometers of concrete blast walls across Baghdad in the past six months in the…

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