
Iraqi President condemn Netanyahu’s controversial pledge to annex Jordan Valley

Iraqi President Barham Salih has called for international assistance to rebuild the war-ravaged Arab country in the aftermath of victory…

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Saudi king meets Iraqi prime minister in Jeddah over regional tensions

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz met on Wednesday with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Mahdi in Jeddah, sources told Al Arabiya.…

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Iraqi security forces killed 4 ISIS members in Mosul

Four ISIS members were killed and captured as they were attempting infiltration into Iraq’s city of Mosul, news reports. In…

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Iraq: 2 Rockets hit Green Zone near US embassy in Baghdad

Two Katyusha rockets have hit the Green Zone of Baghdad, a fortified area in central part of the Iraqi capital,…

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Iraq: Unidentified aircraft attacks Hashd al-Sha’abi forces

Iraq’s pro-government Popular Mobilization Units have come under an airstrike by an unidentified aircraft near an airfield in the western…

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Iraq: 5th phase of Will of Victory operation ends with cleansing areas near Saudi border

Iraqi pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) have announced the conclusion of a military campaign against the sleeper cells of the…

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Karbala: 12 killed and several injured in bus bomb attack

At least 12 people have been killed and several others wounded in a bus bomb attack in the vicinity of…

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Saudi Arabia Asks Iraq for Millions of Barrels of Crude After Yemeni attack

Saudi Arabia is reaching out to foreign producers for crude and other petroleum products, just days after Yemen’s Houthi Ansaullah…

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Iraq warns: US-led mission in Persian Gulf escalate tensions in region

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Baghdad will not join a US-led mission in the Persian Gulf purportedly seeking…

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Iraq: Rejecting Formation of International Force in Gulf

Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, said that the security of navigation in the Gulf waterways is the responsibility of…

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