
50 Iraqi Soldier Killed and Injured in US Air Force Strike in Fallujah

At least 30 Iraqi soldiers were killed and 20 others injured in US air strike, Hakim al-Zamili, the head of…

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Abadi Says Excluding Iraq form “Islamic Alliance” Major Mistake

The Iraqi PM Haidar Abadi said that forming the “IslamicAlliance” which was announced by Saudi without consulting Iraq is a…

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Iraqi Kurdish troops repel Daesh attacks, kill 70 terrorists

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters have repelled a series of Daesh attacks in northern Iraq, killing at least 70 of the Takfiri…

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ISIL Attacks Bashiqa Training Camp near Mosul

The so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) takfiri group attacked a training camp of the Iraqi Bashiqa…

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Saudi Suicide Bomber Arrested by Army North of Iraq

The Iraqi Army and popular forces, in a joint operation, identified and captured a Saudi terrorist in Salahuddin province, military…

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Iraqi Forces Ready to Launch Final Phase of Ramadi Liberation Operation

Iraqi Army and the country’s popular forces are planning to start the last phase of their large-scale operation to liberate…

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Iraq Demands Complete Turkish Withdrawal: Monday’s Pull out Not Enough

The Iraqi government on Tuesday stuck to its demand of complete Turkish withdrawal from its territory, stressing that Ankara’s partial…

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Iraqi Forces Shoot Down Another ISIL Drone in Samarra

Iraq’s popular forces shot down a drone used by the ISIL terrorists in the the holy city of Samarra. Saraya…

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History Repeats, Like Hitler Baghdadi Orders Killing Disabled Children

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down’s syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling…

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Moqtada al Sadr Called Nigerian Gov. as ISIS; Urges Nationwide Protests Against Zaria Carnage

Senior Iraqi Shiite cleric and the Leader of the Sadrist Movement, Moqtada al-Sadr criticized on Monday strongly the Nigerian security…

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