
Ayatollah Sa’id al-Hakim: Shiites Main Victims of Extremism

A senior Iraqi cleric voiced deep concerns over the spread of violence against Shiite Muslims in the region, saying that…

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ISIS Female Police Disfigure 15 Women With Acid for Not Wearing Niqab

The ISIS policing unit in Mosul severely disfigured the faces of 15 Iraqi women by pouring acid on them as…

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Ayatollah Sistani issues powerful statement to Shi’a Resistance defending Iraq

Below is a summary of Ayatollah Sistani’s statement. In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most MercifulGod has…

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Iraq army and Shia volunteer forces liberate areas in Tikrit

The Iraqi army and Shia volunteer forces have tightened the noose around the ISIL Takfiri militants in several areas in…

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Iran VP Hails Ayatollah Sistani’s “Epoch-Making” Fatwa

Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri praised Iraqi Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani for issuing a fatwa (religious decree) that…

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Bomber kills 2 Iraqi troops, 4 Shia fighters north of Baghdad

An attacker has driven his explosive-laden vehicle into a checkpoint north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, killing two soldiers and…

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Security forces kill key aide to ISIS leader al-Baghdadi in Diyali

On Wednesday, a security source in Diyali province said, that the Iraqi forces have managed to kill a key aide…

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Iraqi Kurds repel ISIL militant attack near Arbil

Iraq’s Kurdish Peshmerga forces have repelled an attack by Takfiri ISIL militants southwest of the northern city of Arbil following…

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Two Iraqi militants killed while planting bomb

At least two militants have been killed in a bomb blast in Iraq’s restive province of Salahuddin. According to an…

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Aid workers help Kurdish Yazidi sex slaves return to life after IS nightmare

Kurdistan region ‘Iraq’,—The survivors live in trailers arranged in a neat grid. A mountain range lines the camp, and at…

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