
Kurdish fighters push deeper into Iraq’s northwestern town of Sinjar

Kurdish fighters have pushed deeper into the flashpoint northwestern Iraqi town of Sinjar in their battle with the ISIL Takfiri…

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Sexually enslaved by ISIL, Izadi girls commit suicide: Amnesty

Iraqi Izadi girls and women who have been sexually enslaved by the ISIL Takfiri group commit suicide or attempt to…

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Iraqi Kurdish forces continue mop-up operations in Sinjar

Iraqi Kurdish forces who recently liberated Sinjar from ISIL militants continue mop-up operations against the Takfiri militants in the flashpoint…

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Iraq army tightening noose around ISIL militants

The Iraqi army backed by Shia volunteers, Sunni tribes and Kurdish Peshmerga forces is tightening the noose on ISIL militants…

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ISIL executes 17 Iraqi citizens in southern Tikrit

The ISIL Takfiri militants have reportedly executed as many as 17 people in the Iraqi city of Tikrit in the…

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Iraq army recaptures military base from ISIL in Tal Afar

The Iraqi army has reportedly regained control of a military base in the city of Tal Afar west of Mosul…

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Yazidi girl gives account of sex slavery by ISIL

An Izadi girl has given a blow-by-blow account of the way the ISIL Takfiri group enslaved and abused thousands of…

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Several Iraq bombings kill 11 in Baghdad

At least 11 people have been killed and 24 others wounded in several bombings in the Iraqi capital city of…

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Peshmerga gains ground against ISIL terrorists

Kurdish Peshmerga forces have made significant gains against ISIL terrorists in northwestern Iraq as they manage to break the Takfiri…

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ISIL decapitates man in Iraq on charges of ‘sorcery’

ISIL Takfiri terrorists have released new photos showing the public beheading of a man they accused of being a “sorcerer.”…

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