
250 ISIS militants killed and headquarters destroyed in Albu Hayat of Iraq

The leader of Albu Nimir tribe in Anbar, Naeem Kawood, announced on Saturday the destruction of the ISIS headquarters in…

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Iraq: 3 mass graves containing remains of 148 Yazidis found in Sinjar district

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan announced on Sunday finding three mass graves in the district of Sinjar northwest of Mosul (405…

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Mass grave of 80 Kurdish Yazidi women executed by ISIS found in northern Iraq

A mass grave believed to hold the bodies of dozens of women executed by ISIS was found Saturday in Iraq’s…

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US army announces the death of 60-70 ISIS elements in coalition strikes in Sinjar

The US military announced on Thursday, that 60-70 elements of the ISIS organization have been killed in an air strike…

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Hujjat al-Islam al-Safi congratulates Peshmerga on victory over ISIL in Sinjar

During his Friday prayer sermon delivered to a large and fervent crowd of believers in the Iraqi city of Karbala,…

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25 killed, dozens injured in Baghdad bombings

At least 25 people are killed and 71 others are injured in bomb attacks in different neighborhoods in the Iraqi…

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Iraq Kurds make gains against Daesh in Sinjar battle

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces have managed to retake some positions from the Daesh Takfiri group in northwestern Iraq as a…

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115 Daesh militants die as western Iraqi area liberated

More than a hundred Takfiri Daesh militants have been killed as Iraqi government troops backed by volunteer forces launched an…

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Kurdish & Yazidi Fighters Attack for Retaking Sinjar from ISIS

7,500 Kurdish forces launched an offensive on Thursday to retake the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar from ISIS terrorist who…

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Daesh executes Mosul University physics professor for not designing biological weapon

Daesh Takfiris have executed an Iraqi physics professor of the University of Mosul for refusing to cooperate with the terror…

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