
Two Iraqi mosques targeted by bombing attacks in Babil Province

Two mosques have been targeted by bombing attacks carried out by unknown assailants in different areas in central Iraq. The…

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Daesh Takfiris abduct 78 teachers in northern Iraq

Daesh Takfiri militants have reportedly abducted nearly 80 teachers in Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh after the instructors refused to…

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Watch footage of rocket attack launched at Saudi embassy in Baghdad

Riyadh’s newly opened embassy in Baghdad has been reportedly targeted by a rocket attack following the execution of Shia cleric…

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Grand Ayatollah Sistani Condemns Saudi Execution of Sheikh Nimr

Iraq’s top Shia cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, has condemned as “unjust aggression” the Saudi regime’s execution of prominent Shia…

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Iraq MP: Saudi Arabia execution of al-Nimr intended to fuel Sunni-Shiite strife

Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr was intended to fuel Sunni-Shi’ite strife and “set the region on…

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UN says 980 killed in Iraq in December

The United Nations says nearly 1,000 people were killed by violence in the Arab country in December 2015. The UN…

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Daesh Takfiri militants execute 30 Iraqi citizens in Anbar

Members of Daesh Takfiri terrorist group have reportedly killed over two dozen civilians in Iraq’s embattled western province of Anbar…

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Iraqi Jets, Choppers Target ISIS Positions in Kirkuk

The Iraqi Air Force warplanes and helicopters has attacked positions held by the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group around the city…

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Drone Footage, Iraqis Raise Their Flag Over Government Building in Ramadi

Iraqi forces have celebrated their victory over ISIS terrorist in Ramadi by raising the flag over the city’s government complex,…

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Urgent: Iraqi Forces Go on Alert to Win Back Fallujah

The Iraqi armed forces are on alert now to take part in operations to seize back the city of Fallujah…

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