
Daesh confirms ‘minister of war’ Shishani dead

The Takfiri Daesh terrorist group has confirmed the death of its key commander Omar al-Shishani, who the US says was…

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ISIS Remodels Tactics; Draws Need for Iraq to Overhaul Security Structure

According to the figures published in 2015 by the Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism of the US Department…

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Haider al Abadi demands unity among all Iraqi factions against terrorism

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has called for unity among all Iraqi factions to preserve military gains on the ground…

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Popular Forces Hit back at Carter: Iraq Neither for ISIL Nor for US

The commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, Hadi al-Ameri stressed that Iraq is neither for the ISIL Takfiri group, nor…

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Victory over Terrorism Not Possible without Iran’s Support: Iraqi Sunni Cleric

The head of Iraqi Scholars Association praised the Islamic Republic for it supports for the Arab country in the fight…

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Massive explosion kills 25, injures dozens in Iraq capital

At least 25 people have been killed and dozens of others injured after a powerful car bomb explosion struck a…

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Iraqi army kill 600 ISIS militants in Anbar military operations

Informed Iraqi military sources disclosed that tens of the ISIS Takfiri terrorists have been killed in the army operations in…

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Iraqi airstrike kills senior member of Daesh

A high-ranking member of the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group has been killed in an Iraqi airstrike in the province of…

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Iraqi prime minister hails liberation of Qayyarah airbase in Nineveh

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has announced the retaking of an airbase in northern Nineveh province from the Daesh Takfiri…

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Iraqi Shias, Sunnis, Christians come together to pray at site of Baghdad bombing

Iraqis came together this week to pray at the site of a car bomb attack that killed nearly 300 people…

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