
Iraqi forces recapture 4 villages south of Mosul from Daesh

Iraqi government forces have managed to gain more ground in the troubled northern province of Nineveh as they are pushing…

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Daesh kills seven Iraqi border guards near Jordan

Terrorists with the Takfiri group of Daesh have killed seven Iraqi border guards and injured 17 others in the western…

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Sexual Jihad Creates Controversy in Iraq

The Sunni parliamentary alliance of Iraq Mutahedun Alliance led by Osama al-Nujaifi, the former speaker of the parliament and the…

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Kurdish Peshmerga forces liberate 6 villages east of Mosul

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces have liberated five villages near Mosul from Takfiri Daesh militants as army troops and allied fighters…

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Daesh uses chemical weapons in recent attack in Iraqi village

The Daesh Takfiri terrorists have used internationally-banned chemical weapons in their recent attack against civilians in a village in northern…

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Iraqi forces drive terrorists out of villages near Mosul

Iraqi security forces have liberated four villages south of the strategic northern city of Mosul from the Takfiri Daesh terrorist…

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ISIS Burned 20 in Iraq’s Kirkuk as They Refused Join Terror Group

ISIS terrorists set 20 young detainees on fire at Hawija in Kirkuk province as they refused to join the terror…

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Shia militia convoys arrive in Khalidiya Island to control liberated areas

Anbar Operations Command announced that two convoys of al-Hashd al-Asha’ri have arrived in Khalidiya Island to control the liberated territories…

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Abadi hails Iranian military advisers in Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has hailed the presence of Iranian military advisers in the country’s battle against Daesh terrorists.…

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Iraqi Forces Win Back Key Airbase From ISIL in Anbar Province

Iraq’s joint military forces seized back a strategic airbase controlled by the ISIL in the Western part of Anbar province…

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