
Iraqi forces achieve fresh territorial gains in Mosul’s Old City, rescue civilians

Iraqi government forces have registered more territorial gains in the militant-held Old City of Mosul as they continue their operations…

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrives in Saudi Arabia for talks

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has arrived in Saudi Arabia to hold talks with King Salman on key regional developments…

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Haider al-Abadi: Iraq will never be a place for hostility with Iran

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has stressed that his country will never be a place for animosity toward Iran after…

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Daesh training Izadi children as bombers and executioners: Kurdish official

Over 1,600 Izadi children have been trained by the Daesh terrorist group as suicide bombers and executioners over the past…

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Iraq seizes key crossing near Syria from Daesh

Iraqi forces have seized from Daesh one of the official border crossings between the country and Syria, thus choking a…

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Daesh holding over 100k civilians as ‘human shields’ in Mosul’s Old City: UN

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says members of the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group are…

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Dozens of IS militants killed in airstrike by Iraqi troops in Hawija

Hawija Dozens of Islamic State militants were killed, while hideouts were destroyed in an airstrike launched against Hawija district in…

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‘Iraqi Forces Repel Daesh Counter-Attack in West Mosul’

Iraqi forces repelled a major counter-attack by Daesh terrorists at dawn on Wednesday in a district south of the Old…

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Iraqi Army liberates six villages in ISIS pocket of Tal Afar

ShiiteNews: After last week, the Iraqi Army’s 15th Division – backed by the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and Kataib Hezbollah –…

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UN warns about rising civilian deaths, Daesh killing of children fleeing Mosul battle

The United Nations says members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group have fatally shot children trying to flee heavy exchanges…

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