
PMU asks Iraq govt to take US to UN over illegal murder of Abu Muhandis

Fatah Alliance called on the Iraqi government to accelerate the filing of a formal complaint about the assassination of the…

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Hashd al-Sha’abi destroys ISIL’s tunnels in Iraq’s Kirkuk

Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi forces destroyed several tunnels belonging to ISIL elements in western…

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We will not give up until ISIS remnants are eliminated: Iraqi President

Iraqi President said on Friday the country will not give up until the remaining elements of ISIS are eliminated. In…

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Saudi Shia clerics denounce insulting cartoon of Ayatollah Sistani

A group of Saudi Shia clerics have vehemently condemned the London-based and Riyadh-owned Asharq al-Awsat daily newspaper for insulting Iraq’s…

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Hashd al-Sha’abi arrests six ISIL members in Iraq’s Mosul

Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi forces arrested some ISIL terrorist membres who were planning to…

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No embassy in the world has the same weapons as US Embassy in Baghdad: Iraqi MP

“There is no embassy in the world that is armed with a weapon similar to the one the US embassy…

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Baghdad Friday prayer leader condemned Saudi insult to Ayatollah Sistani

The Friday prayer leader of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, condemned the Saudi media’s insulting action against the Iraqi Shiite…

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Top US General Predicts Limited Military Presence in Iraq

The head of US Central Command says he is confident that the Iraqi government wants a small amount of US…

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ISIS claimed responsibility for the assassination of Hisham al-Hashimi

The Quraysh al-Alamiyah, a network affiliated with the ISIS terrorist group, released a picture claiming the successful assassination of Hisham…

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US plotting soft-coup to dismantle Hash Al-Sha’abi

The representative of the Iraqi Al-Fath Coalition stated that the United States is plotting a soft coup to dismantle the…

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