
Iraq’s current situation breaks my heart

In a meeting with Iraq’s Deputy Defence Minister in the holy city of Najaf, Grand Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi, an Iraq-based…

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Iraq’s first Christian brigade to battle ISIS

Iraq’s first Christian-only brigade of regular forces graduated Thursday to help retake the community’s towns and villages from the Islamic…

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Sayyed Hakim Responds to al-Azhar Statement: Based on Fabricated Data

Sayyed Ammar al- Hakim, leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, expressed his regret for the statement issued by…

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Iraqi forces backed by Shia, Sunni Volunteer control of several areas in Tikrit

Iraqi army troops, backed by volunteer forces, have managed to liberate several other areas of the embattled city of Tikrit…

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ISIS Negotiating With Tribes to Escape from Anbar

The ISIS group is reportedly attempting to negotiate with tribes and local residents in areas controlled by the trib’s armed…

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50 Iraqi Soldiers Killed in US-Led Airstrike

At least two Iraq parliament member says that Iraqi army soldiers in Anbar province killed in US-led air strike. First…

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Iran was the First One to Respond to Iraq’s Call to Fight Terrorism: Sayyid Ammar

Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim Calls for a Political, Media and Public Mobilization Tantamount to the Military Mobilization to Fight ISIS…

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Tikrit fully under control, says Secretary-General of Nojaba’ Movement

On Wednesday, the secretary-general of Nojaba’ Movement, a faction within the Volunteer Fighters (al Hashd al-Sha’bi), confirmed that the city…

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Iraqi Army Encounters ISIL Attack on Ramadi, Kills 41 Terrorists

The Iraqi Army, backed by the Popular Mobilization forces, encountered an attack that was launched by ISIL takfiri group that…

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Iraqi Forces Push into Tikrit From North and South

Iraqi security forces and fought their way into Saddam’s home city of Tikrit on Wednesday, advancing from the north and…

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